
Chicago Bears Vs. Texans: Like Grey's Anatomy, this Show Should be Cancelled.

Lauryn Hill, then of the Fugees, once said that the Knick's would build you (the fan) up just to lose the championship. Likewise, the Bears built us up, just to lose to the lowly Texans.

But even that great line by the best rap group ever doesn't sum up what the 2008 Bears were. Instead, the Bears were like Grey's Anatomy. Yeah, I said it. At its inception, (yes, I watched some of the first season), Grey's wasn't that bad. It had the two things you most wanted in a TV show, good writers and good enough actors. Unlike its present day perversion, shows were well thought out and actually made the TV audience laugh. Version 1.0 of Grey's was an hour long comedy that made you want to tune on Thursdays.

Of course, once you get past that first nostalgic year, you started to see the real flaws. The writers that seemed to have devoted a lifetime to one season,couldn't muster the skills to write Season 2. The actors now seemed better cast for General Hospital. Everything felt unrealistic and detached. During sweeps weeks, the story lines got so out of whack, that they made House seem normal. Thus, you began to see the real Grey's: A Below average and desperate show.

Like Grey's, Version 08 of the Chicago Bears looked good early on. The new actors- the QB, receivers, and offensive line all looked like academy award winning players. The new defensive script displayed at Indy with linebackers crowding the line of scrimmage looked intriguing. Heck even the directors: Lovie Smith, Turner and Babich looked a little Scorsese like. The Bears were a 3-hour long reality show that made you want to tune in on Sundays.

But then after all the glitz and glamor of the no huddle offense and aggressive play-calling faded, we, the fans, started to see the Bears for who they really were. (Insert, they are who we thought they were line here). Orton appeared more reality star actor than Oscar worthy. The script got old on defense as offensive coordinators made adjustments. And well, lets face it. Lovie Smith's still Lovie Smith. He'd be a great porn director, but he's no Tarrantino. We began to see the real Chicago Bears: A below average and desperate team.

The Bears kept us glued for a little while longer with the wacky blocked kicks, muffed punts that bounced our way, and OT victories. Again, just like it was sweeps week. But in the end, they're were as pathetic as that cast of annoying doctors. But luckily for us fans, the Bears will get picked up for 16 (or more) episodes next year. Unfortunately, so too will Greys.


Anonymous said...

admit it... you've watched much more than just season 1 of grey's anatomy.

DaChiFan said...

unfortunately, yes.