
Chicago Bulls 2009 Preview: Ben Gordon

BEN GORDON: Some of you may ask how I can give a preview of a guy whose been injured during the preseason. Its a fair critique. But, its Ben Gordon. Its not like he's going to all of the sudden become Chris Paul. No with Ben its simple. He can shoot. Boy, can he shoot. He can't play defense. I'll use my favorite new line, Ben Gordon could not play defense if he had the National Guard at his side. Mysteriously, Ben Gordon really can't dribble. Well, he could dribble circles around me. But, relative to NBA players, he's sort of like Shaq dribbling on a fast break. Worse yet, he's not too good of a passer. So basically, Ben Gordon is an undersized shooting guard, who can't play defense, can't create offense through the passing game, and isn't that great of a dribbler. But, he can shoot. Damm can he shoot. Unfortunately, he's never heard the phrase, "that was a bad shot". Lets be honest, when BG is on, he's unstopable. But when he's off, he is a liability. Lately, he's been more off than on.

Mental: A- (He's probaby the only guy on the team who wants the ball with the game on the line.)
Physical: B (Strong, but undersized).
Skill Set: B+ (Great shooter, but poor passing and dribbling/penetration skills)
Will to win: ? (I don't if Ben wants to win, or whether he just wants to score a bunch of points. Maybe its the same difference.)
Potential: Avg. (He's already met his ceiling).
Overall Grade: B

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