
Tuesday Morning Thoughts.

What's up with this picture? Well, first I am sick of the regular TMT picture (see below). Its just too large for the page. Secondly, its really hard finding a good "thoughts" picture on google images. I tried search terms like "thoughts", "morning thoughts", "thinking", etc., but to no avail. However, what I did find were some ridiculous images. Like the one above. So from now on, Tuesday Morning Thoughts will feature some ridiculous, stupid, and/or funny image to start us off. So, this week's theme. Ridiculous, stupid and/or funny.

1. The photo above is just great. First, this guy has obviosly lost his manhood. How do you let your girl convince you to take this picture? "Honey, I have a great idea, lets pose with no tops on, while I'm pregnant". Answer should be: "Go F yourself! It ain't even my baby". Also, this dude, just seems like one of those guys whose Facebook profile picture is a photo of himself with no shirt on and posing on the beach by himself. P.S. I would bet $200 that these two people are from Indiana.

2. Evidently, the sky is falling, pigs are flying and hell has frozen over here in Chicago because the Cubs lost. Really? Honestly? You couldn't see this coming. What about the previous 100 years made you think they would win? If you want the real answer, it took Cubs' fans a Monday to get over it. When it happens every year, you just learn to cope with it.

3. In other funny news, the White Sox lost their first round playoff game. You know, the White Sox. Who? They play MLB Baseball. REally, where? In chicago. Seriously? Yeah, they won a World Series in 2005. Huh, never heard of them. Anyway, this is probably a stretch, but I think you could make a comparison between people who don't want to vote for Barak Obama and people who don't want to cheer on the White Sox. For Barak, they claim that they really don't like his policies, he's too inexperienced, he's going to raise taxes, etc. But really, they just don't like dark people. Same for the anti-Sox fan in Chicago. They claim they don't like the ballpark, the surroundings, etc. But really, they don't like dark people.

4. What does Peter King mean when he sings off each MMQB, with "Who I like tonight, and I mean Tony Kornheiser". Does he really like Kornheiser? So you want someone who makes bad jokes and doesn't know that much about football to call MNF? LAst night, he made the remark that the Saint's didn't know they were getting such a good pass catching RB in Bush when they drafted him. Uh, isn't that exactly what he did at USC? At least Jaws pointed out how stupid he was. Kornheiser is terrible. He's annoying, not funny, and worse doesn't know a lot about the game he is covering. This is all a recipe for failure. Just go with the two man booth. It will be better and cheaper (for ESPN).

5. You know what isn't funny? Little Britain that new show on HBO. Its disturbing and disgusting. I'll take my British humor in Extras, Gervais style only, thank you. Entourage is still pretty entertaining though. True Blood creeps me out. The Life and Times of Tim, seems mildly interesting. Anyway, just running out of thoughts here.

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